Sunday, March 1, 2009

Chapter 7

The first section that talked about something that was familiar to me was on Motivation and Prior experiences with Success and Failure on page 192. This section talks about students who are trying to learn without strategies or using prior knowledge. This effects this has on students can be terrible and can have lifelong effects. Something I think teachers should always do is to teach strategies when teaching and teach using these strategies.

Also the teacher should never assume that student’s have prior knowledge. (195)The teacher could give a quick write at the end of the day for the lesson the next day to make sure all students have some prior knowledge. Then if a student is lacking prior knowledge the teacher can show a video, create a simulation or some other activity to create that prior knowledge to help those students to gain a deep understanding of that topic.

I think the next section that can really connect with these other two sections would be on page 201 in the section K-W-L chart. This can give students a reason for learning or reading. It gives purpose and allows students a reason for the task at hand and not just reading or learning because the teacher said I had to in order to get a good grade. This will not work with some students because they are so far behind grade do not matter. Adults and younger students need a reason or purpose so that the learning is meaningful.

1 comment:

  1. The section on motivation and prior experiences was one of my favorite sections in the book that also stood out to me. When I was reading about how students may not be motivated in a particular class or on a certain concept because of negative prior experiences I saw a relation right away. It reminded me of when we described how math made us feel in cie301 because I get frustrated with math and not motivated at all because of negative prior experiences. You are certainly right about how it is the teacher's job to provide positive motivation.
